Getting Loads Of Free Makeup From MAC

Anyone who knows anything about makeup knows the M.A.C. is not known for quality... They are however awesome if you are looking to do something amazing with your look. They have outrageous colors and styles. Thicker coverups and brighter lipsticks, eyeliners and eye shadows. Not great for a job interview but perfect for a night out at the club!

OK, so basically I am going to let you know how you can get a constant  flow of this low grade makeup sent to you for free and how you can get loads of coupons for when you want more!

The first thing you need to do is go to their websites, I think its like or something, you can just google it... They have a special tab on their sidebar that lets you sign up for this thing called "my mac". Its pretty much this online club where they spam your email with all these sales. Along with the spam however comes loads of freebies, sale stuff and coupons. This perfect for anyone who loves to mess around with makeup but doesn't have a ton of cash to spend. Oh BTW, it's totally free if you were worried, just a great way to get free makeup samples.

I'm sure there are other companies that will do the same thing... I'll look into it and post back what I find. It would be pretty cool to get freebies and coupons from all the bigger makeup companies. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. I love MAC stuff, is there any beauty samples out at the moment? I just got this in the post - Its so great, think I will have to buy the full bottle!

  2. I love getting free makeup and beauty products I always use and get a lot of freebies in the post.
